
Assets view allows user to record and manage the company’s assets. User can also dispose asset (record) here. Creation of new assets are mainly done when it is purchased (see “Accounts – (Transactions) Non Trade Invoice” for more details), but user can create assets records from this view as well, e.g. for carry-over asset or receive asset from another company.

Below actions are available under “Assets”:

Samooha icon2  Create new, copy and import existing or carry-over asset;

Samooha icon2  Update and move, delete, dispose, sell, view and search for asset

Assets - list

Assets - details

Assets - depr streams

Assets - disposal postings

Assets - notes


Field Name
Mandatory Information
Asset Code  Custom code for the asset


Asset Name Name of the asset


Asset Group Select the asset group


Description Description


Asset Location Select the asset location


Acquisition Date The date on which a purchase commits to buying an asset and effectively takes control of the asset from the seller.


Usage Date  Date when asset is first used


Supplier Select the vendor / supplier


Actual Cost An actual amount paid or incurred, as opposed to estimated cost or standard cost.


Exchange Rate


Original Cost The total costs associated with the purchase of an asset. The original cost of an asset takes into consideration all of the costs that can be attributed to its purchase and to putting the asset to use.


Net Book Value The value at which a company carries an asset on its balance sheet. It is equal to the cost of the asset minus accumulated depreciation.


Residual Cost Asset’s worth at the end of its lease.


Tax Rate Tax rate associated with this asset


Tax Amount Amount of tax associated with this asset


Branch Select the company’s branch.


Entity Type Entity type (see Analytical Groups)


Asset Account  Account for the asset


Accumulated Depr. Account  Account for asset’s accumulated depreciation


Depr. Method  Method of depreciation for the asset


Depr. Expense Account  Account for asset’s depreciation expense


Disposal Account  Account for asset’s disposal


Gain On Sale of Assets  Account for gain on sale of asset


Loss On Sale of Assets  Account for loss on sale of asset


Create New, Copy and Import Existing / Carry-Over Asset

*Note: for newly purchase asset within the current fiscal calendar period, use “Accounts – (Transactions) Non Trade Invoice” to create the asset

1. Click “Create” button at the top right side of “Assets List” tab, it will open “Assets Details” tab with new form

Assets - create

2. Fill up asset’s information

3. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of screen when done

4. Click “Confirm Asset(s)” button at the bottom right side of screen and click “Yes” button to confirm

5. Asset depreciation stream entries will be automatically created on “Depr Streams” tab, based on the asset’s “Actual Cost” value divided by “Lifespan In Months” value

Assets - depr streams sample

6. To create a (new) copy of the asset record click the arrow on “Dispose Asset” button at the bottom right side of screen and select “Copy Asset”. Then click “Yes” button, it will create a duplicate of the asset record. Make change(s) where applicable

7. On “Assets List” tab click the arrow on “Create” button at the top right side of screen and select “Import Assets”. User can import multiple new asset records to a CSV file

Assets - import


Update and Move Asset

1. Double click on asset to be updated, it will bring up the selected asset details on the “Assets Details” tab.

2. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of the screen when done with the updates

3. To move the asset’s location, right click on an asset on “Asset List” tab and select “Move Asset(s)”

4. Select the new asset location and branch on the pop-up window, then click “OK” button to complete the move


Delete Asset

  1. Double click on asset to be deleted, it will bring up the selected asset on the “Assets Details” tab
  2. Click on “Delete” button at the bottom right side of screen
  3. Click on “Yes” button on the pop-up window to confirm asset deletion


Dispose Asset

  1. Double click on asset to be dispose, it will bring up the selected asset on the “Assets Details” tab
  2. Click on “Dispose Asset” button at the bottom right side of screen then click “Yes” button on the pop-up window to confirm asset disposal
  3. Fill up disposal information on the pop-up window then click “OK” button when done
  4. Asset disposal record posted will be created in the “Disposal Postings” tab under “Assets Details” tab
    Assets - disposal postings sample


Sell Asset

  1. Double click on asset to sell, it will bring up the selected asset on the “Assets Details” tab
  2. Click on “Dispose Asset” button at the bottom right side of screen then click “Yes” button on the pop-up window to confirm asset disposal
  3. Fill up disposal information on the pop-up window then click “OK” button when done
  4. Asset disposal record posted will be created in the “Disposal Postings” tab under “Assets Details” tab
  5. In the “Disposal Postings” tab, right-click on the journal entry for the disposed / written off asset, and select “Open Account Register
  6. in the “Account Register”, right-click on the journal entry for the disposed / written off asset, and select “Move to Another Account
  7. Select account for sold asset (i.e. “Gain / Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets” account)
  8. To create invoice for the sale of the fixed asset, use Non Trade Invoice (Accounts – Transactions).
    Open Non Trade Invoice (Accounts – Transactions) and create new document
  9. Enter the header information: i.e. Customer for the “Partner Account”, “Payment Term”, and “Description
  10. Enter Account Entries line (i.e. “Gain / Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets” account) for the asset’s sales amount and tax rate (if any)
  11. Confirm and post the Non Trade Invoice
  12. Print the Non Trade Invoice


View and search for asset details

  1. Enter search parameter to filter the result, i.e. type in the asset name in the search textfield box at the bottom left of the assets’ table
  2. Double click on asset to view, it will bring up the selected asset details on the “Assets Details” tab