Recurring Entries

A recurring journal entry is a journal entry that is recorded in every accounting period. For example, a company issuing monthly financial statements might record rental by debiting Rental Expense for $1000 and crediting Supplier for $1000 each and every month. Below actions are available under “Recurring Entries”:

Samooha icon2  Create new recurring entry; update and delete records.

Recurring Entries - list

Recurring Entries

Recurring Entries - new acc streams


Field Name
Mandatory Information
Name Name of the recurring entries


Branch Name of the company’s branch


Periodicity The quality or character of being periodic; the tendency to recur at intervals.


From Start date


Until End date


Journal Select the journal for the recurring entries


Memo A memorandum for the recurring entry


Lines – Account  Account of recurring entry


Lines – Tax  Tax of recurring entry


Lines – Memo A memorandum for the selected account


Lines – Due Days  Recurring entry due in how many days


Lines – Debit  Debit value of the recurring entry


Lines – Credit  Credit value of the recurring entry



Create New Recurring Entry

1. Click “Create Recurring Entry” at the top right side of “Recurring Entry List” tab, it will open “Recurring Entry Details” tab with new form

Recurring Entries - create

2. Fill up recurring entry’s information at the top half of screen

3. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of screen to save

4. Enter the recurring entry’s info in “Lines” tab and click plus_button button to add the entry into the recurring entry document

Recurring Entries - line entry

5. Repeat step 4 to add more entries into the recurring entry document

6. Click “Confirm Recurring Entry(s)” button at the bottom right side of screen and click “Yes” button to confirm

7. Once confirmed, account streams entries will be automatically created according to the selected periodicity (e.g. monthly) and displayed in the “Account Streams” tab. Account streams entry would need to be confirmed / posted from Accounts – Account Streams transaction

Recurring Entries - acc streams


Update Recurring Entry Details

1. Double click on recurring entry to be updated, it will bring up the selected entry details on the “Recurring Entry Details” tab

2. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of the screen when done with the updates


Delete Recurring Entry

1. Double click on recurring entry to be deleted, it will bring up the selected recurring entry on the “Recurring Entry Details” tab

2. Click on “Delete” button at the bottom right side of screen

3. Click on “Yes” button on the pop-up window to confirm recurring entry deletion

Please note that a recurring entry that has generated account streams that have been posted cannot be re-opened/deleted. What the user can do is to not confirm and post them.

Recurring Entries - delete