Stock Transfer

Stock Transfer is a logistic process to transfer products’ stock from one warehouse to another. Stock Transfer is generated from either Consignment Order (Sales module) or Warehouse Order (Purchase module) in Samooha. Document type of the Stock Transfer will be inherited from the source document (Consignment / Warehouse Order) as set up in the system.

After Stock Transfer is posted, system will generate Transfer Receipt for the receiving party to process stock receipt.

Below are available actions for the user from “Stock Transfer” view:

Samooha icon2  Process stock transfer and transfer receipt

Samooha icon2  View and search for stock transfer details


Field Name
Mandatory Information
Document Type Type of the document Y
Document Date Creation date of the document Y
Document Number Document number of the stock transfer Y
Reference Number Code for easy reference search of the document N
Branch Name of company’s branch which make the stock transfer Y
From Warehouse The source warehouse of the stock to be transfer Y
To Warehouse The destination warehouse of the stock to be transfer Y
Requested By Name of staff whom requested the stock transfer N
Description Additional information in regard to the stock transfer document N
Product Brand Select product brand(s) to filter products N
Filter Enter keyword(s) to filter / search for products N
Product Product code of the item Y
Description Description of the item N
UOM Type of the item (Unit of Measure) Y
Quantity Number of quantity of the item to transfer Y
Unit Cost Cost per item Y
Line Total Total cost for the transferred product Y
Grand Total Total cost for all the items on the stock transfer Y


Process Stock Transfer and Transfer Receipt:

1. Open the approved “Consignment Order” (Sales module) or “Warehouse Order” (Purchase module) document to generate “Stock Transfer” for logistics

2. Click arrow on generate_doc_button button and select “Generate Stock Transfer” option to generate a new “Stock Transfer” transaction (Inventory module – Logistics) to process the transfer order

3. Click on “Confirm Stock Transfer” button at the bottom left of screen to confirm the stock transfer. A link to picking document will show up above “Post Stock Transfer” button after the confirmation. The status on top right of the corresponding stock transfer document will show “To Be Picked

4. Click on the picking document link to start picking process and then post the picking of the stock. User may modify the selected product batch before start picking.

5. Go back to the source document (Stock Transfer). The status on top right of the corresponding stock transfer document will be updated as “Picked

6. Click on “Post Stock Transfer” button at the bottom of screen to post the stock transfer. A link to Transfer Receipt document will show up above “Generate Report” button after the posting. “Postings” tab will be automatically fill up with journal entries of the stock transfer

7. In Stock Transfer, click onGenerate Button button at the bottom left of screen to generate the stock transfer report, a window will come up showing print report options. User can print report, export the report as pdf or excel, or preview the report

8. Click on the Transfer Receipt document link to open and process stock receipt

9. Click on “Confirm Stock Receipt” button to confirm that stock have been received by the receiving party

10. Click on “Post Stock Receipt” button at the bottom left of screen to post the Transfer Receipt. A link to Putaway document will show up above “Generate Report” button after the posting. “Postings” tab will be automatically fill up with journal entries of the Transfer Receipt

11. Confirm and post the Putaway of the transfer receipt at the receiving warehouse. The transferred stock are now available for use in the receiving warehouse.


View and Search for Stock Transfer Details:

1. Click on “Stock Transfer List” tab at the bottom of screen

2. Enter search parameter to filter the result, i.e. type in which warehouse to search for in the“Warehouse” text field box or select from drop-down list

3. Result can be sorted alphabetically by clicking the fields’ columns

4. Double click on stock transfer to view full details of the document, it will bring up the details on “Stock Transfer” tab for the selected stock transfer