Cash Register

Cash Register view allow user to create and manage the system cash registers and cashiers’ access. Below actions are available under Cash Register:

Samooha icon2  Enter new cash register machine’s details

Samooha icon2  Update, delete, view and search for available employees for cash register

Samooha icon2  Assign employee(s) to cash register

Cash Register Cash Register - new


Field Name
Mandatory Information
Register Code  Code for cash register


Name  Name of cash register


Branch  Branch of company


Warehouse  Warehouse of operation for cash register


Prefix Prefix code for cash register’s sales ticket number


Format Format for cash register’s sales ticket number


Increment Increment cash register’s sales ticket number by this number


Starting Number Starting number of cash register’s sales ticket number


Restart Option Option to restart cash register’s sales ticket number


Last Sequence Number Last number in sequence of cash register’s sales ticket number


Posting Account Account code & name for posting POS sales transactions


Print Settings Printer setting for cash register


Ticket Format Format for cash register’s sales ticket (size of paper: 60 mm, 70 mm, 80 mm)


Assigned Mac Address Assigned Mac address for the cash register’s computer


System Mac Address Mac address of computer the user is currently using


Update Address Update Mac address for the cash register’s computer


Clear Address Clear Mac address for the cash register’s computer


OK Click OK button to save changes and close the window



Create New Cash Register

1. Click on Create New button at the top right of screen

Cash Register - create new

2. Fill up cash register’s information on the Edit Cash Register form

3. Select which Warehouse (store) to be use for the cash register’s inventory

4. Select which Posting Account (store) to be use for the cash register’s account posting

5. Select which Printer (settings) to be use for the cash register’s ticket / receipt

Cash Register - edit

6. ClickUpdate Address button at the bottom of screen to update/replace the Assigned Mac Address with System Mac Address“. When assigned mac address equals to system mac address, this means the computer that the user is using has been assigned as the cash register machine.

Cash Register - mac address

7. Click on OK button at the bottom of screen when done

8. Assign which employee(s) (of cashier type) which can use the cash register*

*Note: see how to – Assign Employee(s) to Cash Register – at the bottom of this page


Update Cash Register Details

1. Double click on cash register to be updated from the records table at the top of screen, it will bring up Edit Cash Register form for the selected cash register

2. Make change(s) on the cash register information

3. Click on OK button at the bottom of screen when done

Cash Register - details

Delete Cash Register

1. Click on cash register to be deleted from the records table at the top of screen

2. Click on Delete button at the top right of screen

3. Click on Yes button on the pop-up window to confirm record deletion

Cash Register - delete


View and Search for Available Employees for Cash Register

Note: Employee type must be of cashier for the employee to be available for selection as a cashier. This is set inPOS – (Masters) Employees record

1. Enter search parameter to filter the result, i.e. type in employee name in the search textfield box, at bottom left of screen

2. Result can be sorted alphabetically by clicking the fields’ columns


Assign Employee(s) to Cash Register

Only employees which are assigned to a cash register able to use the cash register. Employee type must be cashier, for the employee to be available for selection as a cashier in the cash register. This is set in “POS – (Masters) Employee” record

Employee - type

1. Click on cash register record from the records table at the top of screen to assign employee

2. Click on employee record under Available Employees table at the bottom left of screen

3. Click on assign_button button to assign the selected employee in “Available Employees” table to the cash register

4. Click on unassign_button button to remove (un-assign) the selected employee in Assigned Employees table from the cash register

Cash Register - assign cashiers