Vendor Settings

The vendor master setup in Supply Chain Master allows the user to create new, Save,Revert and Delete vendor setup records. Below are available actions for the user from “Vedor Setting” :

Samooha icon2  Create new, revert and delete the vendor setting

Samooha icon2  View and search for the setting details

Vendor Setting


Field Name
Mandatory Information
Vendor Select Vendor


Pickup Location Select Pickup Location


Order Last Acceptance Day Self-explanatory


Delivery Week Select delivery week


Lead Time (In Days) Time taken for the Order to be received


Frozen Forecast In Months Forecasted for the number of months


Accept Back Order If Vendor accept Back Order



Create Vendor Setting

1. Click “Create New” button at the bottom right side of screen

Vendor Setting create

2. Fill up information at bottom half of screen

3. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of screen when done

Vendor Setting save


Update Journal Details

1. Click on vendor to be updated, it will bring up the selected vendor setting details on the bottom half of the screen

2. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of the screen when done with the updates


Delete Journal

1. Click on vendor to be updated, it will bring up the selected vendor setting details on the bottom half of the screen

2. Click on “Delete” button at the bottom right side of screen

3. Click on “Yes” button on the pop-up window to confirm setting deletion

Vendor Setting delete


View and Search for Vendor Setting:

1. On top left of screen enter search parameter to filter the result, i.e. type in the name of vendor in the search textfield box.

Vendor Setting search

2. Result can be sorted alphabetically by clicking the fields’ columns

Vendor Setting sort

3. Double click on vendor setting to view full details of the scheme, it will bring up the details on the bottom of the screen