Account Masters

account Chart of Account

List of the accounts used by the organization in the company’s general ledger. Create new account; update, delete, view and search for an account

account-report-mapping (2) Account Report Mapping

View and edit mapping of chart of account to group / statutory chart of accounts. Create new group chart of accounts, assign to group, update, delete, view and search details of group chart of account.

Fiscal-calendar (2) Fiscal Calendar

Fiscal Calendar view allows user to setup and manage the financial year of the company.

bank Banks

Create records of banks used by the company.

bank-account1 Bank Accounts

Create records of banks accounts used by the company.

pos-customer Customers

Create and manage customers records.

vendors_icon Vendors

A vendor, or a supplier, is a supply chain management term that means person who provides goods or services to a company.  Create and manage vendors records.

Employees_icon Employees

Create and manage employees records.

partner-group Partner Group

Manage partners into groups for report and business analysis. Create new group; update, delete, view and search for details

analytical-group1 Analytical Groups

Analytical groups for report and business analysis. Create new group; update, delete, view and search for details

cost-center1 Cost Centers

Create and manage cost centers.

account-document Account Documents

Create and manage account document.

budget (2) Budgets

Create and manage company’s budget.

currency Currency

Create currency settings to be use by the system for transactions and group reporting purposes; Create new currency, update, delete, update exchange rates, update closing rates, export exchange rates.

tax-rate Tax Rate

Create and manage tax schemes and tax comptroller of a tax scheme; update, delete

journal (2) Journal

Journal is a business diary in which all financial data pertaining to the day to day business transactions of a firm is recorded using double-entry bookkeeping system.

payment-terms1 Payment Terms

Accounting payment terms are the payment rules imposed by suppliers on their customers. Payment terms are imposed to ensure that payments are received by suppliers within a reasonable period of time.

pos-payment-type1 Payment Means

Payment means are modes of funds to make payment for goods or services.

asset-groups (2) Asset Groups

Asset Groups view allows user to create groupings for the company’s assets, and use different settings of depreciation and account journal entry to manage the asset groups.

asset-location1 Asset Locations

Asset Locations view allows user to create and manage locations for company’s assets for easier tracking.

asset Assets

Assets view allows user to record and manage the company’s assets. User can also sell / dispose asset (record) here.

recurring-entries Recurring Entries

Create and manage recurring journal entries.

analytical-entry-template1 Analytical Entry Template

Create and manage templates for frequently used analytical entry.

cost-center-entry-template (2) Cost Center Entry Template

Create and manage templates for frequently used cost center entry.