Account Receivable

Accounts receivable is the money that a company has a right to receive because it had provided customers with goods and/or services. Below actions are available from “Account Receivable”:

Samooha icon2  View and search for account receivable summary and ageing details of who owes to the company

Samooha icon2  Create new Receipt for the selected Customer

Samooha icon2  Generate & email Statement of Account, payment reminder, or dunning letter for the selected Customer

Account Receiveable

Account Receiveable1

Field Name
Mandatory Information
As On Select a date for account receivable status Y
Group Select partner group to view or select all Y
Outstanding This Select to show receivables by week or month view Y
Account # Self-Explanatory Y
Account Name Self-Explanatory Y
Currency Self-Explanatory Y
Current Not overdue yet N
1-30 Receivable age from 1 to 30 days old N
31-60 Receivable age from 31 to 60 days old N
61-90 Receivable age from 61 to 90 days old N
91-180 Receivable age from 91 to 180 days old N
>180 Days Receivable age more than 180 days old N
Total Amount Self-Explanatory Y
This Week / Month Amount overdue for the account receivable this week / month N
Avg. Days Average number of days passed since the creation date of receivable document(s) N


View and Search for Account Receivable Summary and Aging Details

1. Select date and group from the drop-down lists at the top of the screen of the “Ageing Summary” tab, it will pull up all the outstanding account receivable entries for the selected parameters

2. Click on arrow on week_button button (top right side of screen) to change the account receivable outstanding period from week to month and vice versa

Account Receiveable2

3. Click on refresh refresh_button button to refresh the account receivable table

4. Right-click on an account line to view options available, i.e. “Create New Receipt” for the selected Customer

5. User also able to generate and email the following from this view:

  • Statement of Account
  • Payment Reminder
  • Dunning Letter

6. Double click an account from the table to see the ageing details

7. Click “Generate Report” button at the bottom of the “Ageing Details” tab to print the result

6. Right click a document entry from the “Ageing Details” tab table to open options to see more details of the document