Promotions (POS)

It allows the user to manage promotion for retail point of sales process.

Below actions are available under “Promotions”:

Samooha icon2  Create new promotion scheme

Samooha icon2  Update, delete, close, and copy promotion scheme

Samooha icon2  View and search for promotion details

Promotions - list

Promotions - details form

Promotions - details form product list

Promotions - details form retail cust list

Promotions - details form stores

Promotions - details form notes


Field Name
 Mandatory Information
Promotion Code  Custom code for the promotion


Promotion Name  Name of the promotion


Effective from Start date of the promotion


Valid Till End date of the promotion


Promotion Type Type of promotion


Currency Currency of the promotion


Account Setting Account setup for the promotion, mandatory for certain promotion type, i.e. Free Gift for X Spent

Depend on Promotion Type

Spent Amount Minimum amount spent to qualify for the promotion

Depend on Promotion Type

Discount % Percentage of flat discount given for the promotion

Depend on Promotion Type

Discount Amount Flat discount amount given for the promotion

Depend on Promotion Type

Day(s) of the Week Which day(s) the promotion is running on


Description Description


Promo Items tab

Promo Items – Product # Product code

Depend on Promotion Type

Promo Items – Product Name Name of product

Depend on Promotion Type

Promo Items – Uom Unit of Measurement

Depend on Promotion Type

Promo Items – Payment Means Payment means of the sale transactions

Depend on Promotion Type

Promo Items – Quantity Quantity of (free gift) promo item

Depend on Promotion Type

Promo Items – Discount % Discount given in percentage

Depend on Promotion Type

Promo Items – Discount Amount Discount given in value

Depend on Promotion Type

Promo Items – Nett Price Nett price of the promo item

Depend on Promotion Type

Product List tab

Product List – Product Code Product code of qualifying product

Depend on Promotion Type

Product List – Name Name of qualifying product

Depend on Promotion Type

Product List – Quantity Min. quantity needed to qualify for the promotion

Depend on Promotion Type

Retail Customers List tab

Retail Customers List – Partner Code Retail customer code


Retail Customers List – Name Retail customer name


Stores tab

Stores – Partner Code Store code


Stores – Name Store name


Create New Promotion Scheme

1. Click “Create New” at the top right side of “Promotions List” tab, it will open “Promotion Details” tab with new form

2. Fill up promotion’s header information on top of screen, and select a Promotion Type. Fields marked with red x are mandatory. Below is a list of available Promotion Types:

  • Default: specific promotion product(s) discounted by % or value
  • Flat Discount By Purchase Qty: get flat discount by % or value when customer purchase a defined quantity from participating products listed
  • Flat Price By Purchase Qty: get flat price when customer purchase a defined quantity from participating products listed
  • Free Gift By Purchase Qty: get free item of certain quantity when customer purchase a defined quantity from participating products listed
  • Free Gift By X Spent: get free item of certain quantity when customer purchase / spend a defined total amount from participating products listed
  • Allow Discount By X Spent: get discount by % or value when customer purchase / spend a defined total amount
  • Tender Discount: get discount by % or value off sales transaction’s total amount when using defined tender / payment means
  • Member Discount: get discount by % or value off sales transaction’s total amount

3. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of screen

4. For some promotion schemes, user will need to enter promotion info line item in the “Promo Items” tab. For product type, user can filter the products list by selecting a brand from “Product Brand” drop-down list. In “Promo Items” tab, for product type of promotion schemes, add product to be discounted or given away in the promotion scheme by searching for the product from the product number drop-down list. Depending on which type of promotion schemes, user is required to enter the “Payment Means“, “Quantity“, “Discount %“, “Discount Amount“, and / or “Nett Price“. Fields marked with red x are mandatory

Note: Ensure the product is not listed in other promotion schemes during the same period for the same customers list

Click plus_button button to add the promotion line item. Repeat step 4 to add more promo items into the promotion scheme.

5 . For certain promotion schemes, user is required to assign product(s) as the qualifying / participating products. The “Product List” tab will be available for selection in this case. Click on the “Product List” tab, select product(s) and assign them into the promotion scheme.

For “Purchase by Quantity” type of promotion scheme, user must define the qualifying quantity here for each assigned product. When customer purchase any product from the list, the system will check whether the promotion’s condition(s) were met, and apply the promotion to the sales transaction when the transaction document is confirmed

Promotions - FGPQ product list

Example 1: Promotion Type is Free Gift by Purchase Qty.

Step 1: Select free gift from Promo Item tab.(Ex: Facial mask x1)

Step 2: Select promotion items from Product List tab. (Ex: Moisturizer x2)

Promotion = Buy 2 moisturizer will free facial mask

Example 2: Promotion Type is Allow Discount by X Spent.

Step 1: Enter the Amount that user is required to spend at Spent Amount field. (Ex: $200)

Step 2: Select products to be discounted and enter the percentage (%) from Product List tab. (Ex: BB Cushion discount 20%)

Promotion = Customer will get 20% discount when purchase BB Cushion if spend $200 in total. 

6. On “Retail Customers List” tab, assign retail customers for the promotion scheme by selecting available partner(s) from the bottom left table and click ” assign_button ” button in middle of screen. Hold Ctrl or Shift key then mouse left-click to select multiple partners.

Note: If no retail customer is selected for the promotion scheme, it will apply the promotion scheme for ALL registered retail customers and walk-in retail customers.

Promotions - details retail cust list

7. On “Stores” tab, assign which store to run the promotion scheme by selecting available partner(s) from the bottom left table and click ” assign_button ” button in middle of screen. Hold Ctrl or Shift key then mouse left-click to select multiple partners

Promotions - details stores

8. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of screen when done

9. Click “Confirm Promotion” button at the bottom left side of screen and click “Yes” button to confirm

Promo - Confirm button

10. Click “Approve Promotion” button at the bottom left side of screen and click “Yes” button to approve the promotion scheme

Promo - Approve button


Update Promotion Details

1. Double click on promotion scheme to be updated, it will bring up the selected promotion details on the “Promotion Details” tab. If a promotion scheme’s status is “Confirmed” or “Approved”, right click on the scheme and reopen the scheme first

2. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of the screen when done with the updates

3. Click “Confirm Promotion” button at the bottom left side of screen and click “Yes” button to confirm

4. Click “Approve Promotion” button at the bottom left side of screen and click “Yes” button to approve the promotion scheme


Delete Promotion Scheme

1. Double click on promotion scheme to be deleted, it will bring up the selected promotion details on the “Promotion Details” tab. If a promotion scheme’s status is “Confirmed” or “Approved”, right click on the scheme and reopen* the scheme first.

*Note: Promotion that has been used for posted transactions cannot be re-opened

2. Click on “Delete” button at the bottom right side of screen

3. Click on “Yes” button on the pop-up window to confirm promotion scheme deletion


Close Promotion Scheme

1. Double click on promotion scheme to be closed, it will bring up the selected promotion details on the “Promotion Details” tab. The promotion scheme’s status must be “Approved”, for user to be able to close it.

2. Click on arrow at “Reopen Approved Promotion” button and click on “Close Promotion”* option

3. Click on “Yes” button on the pop-up window to confirm closing* promotion scheme.

*Note: Closed promotion cannot be reopened!


Copy Promotion Scheme

1. Double click on promotion scheme to be copied, it will bring up the selected promotion details on the “Promotion Details” tab.

2. Click on arrow at “Confirm Promotion“, “Approve Promotion“, or “Reopen Approved Promotion” button (depending on the document status) and click on “Copy Promotion” option

3. Click on “Yes” button on the pop-up window to confirm creating a copy of the promotion scheme.


View and Search for Promotion Details

1. On “Promotions List” tab enter search parameter to filter the result, i.e. type in period of the promotion scheme in the “From” & “Till” textfield boxes or select from drop-down lists

Promotions - list filters

2. Result can be sorted alphabetically by clicking the fields’ columns

3. Select promotion schemes / lines from the list view and right-click mouse. This will open options available to the selected line(s).

Promotions - list options

4. Double click on promotion scheme to view full details of the promotion scheme, it will bring up the details on “Promotion Details” tab for the selected promotion