Document Approvals

The document approvals (Sales module) process allows the user to managed the approval of sales documents, i.e. sales orders and sales invoices. This view helps approving authority in checking outgoing sales documents to customers and faster approval of sales documents.

Below are available actions for the user from “Document Approvals” :

Samooha icon2  Approve sales documents

Samooha icon2  View and search the status of sales documents’ approval

document approval


Field Name
Mandatory Information
Customer Select a customer from the drop-down list Y
Partner Group Select a partner Group Y
Year Self-explanatory Y
From Date start N
Till Date end N
Document Type: Select type of documents to view Y
Approval Status (list at the bottom of screen) Select to show documents with status: Pending or Approved, or Select ALL Y


Approve Sales Document

1. Select a customer from the “Customer” drop-down list on top left side of screen

2. Select document type from the “Document Type” drop-down list on top right side of screen

3. Enter search parameter to filter the result, i.e. type in document number to search for in the search engine text field box at the bottom left of the screen

4. Select a document from the list

5. Click “Approve” button on top right of screen to approve the document

View and Search for Status of Sales Document’s Approval

1. Select a customer from the “Customer” drop-down list on top left side of screen

2. Select document type from the “Document Type” drop-down list on top right side of screen

3. Enter search parameter to filter the result, i.e. type in document number to search for in the search engine text field box at the bottom left of the screen.

4. Result can be sorted alphabetically by clicking the fields’ columns

5, On “Document To Be Approved” tab click refresh button on top of screen to reload / refresh the results