Customer Product Mapping

The customer product mapping allows user to create mapping scheme to associate customer’s products’ numbers with company’s products’ numbers. Below actions are available under “Customer Product Mapping”:

Samooha icon2  Create new customer product mapping scheme; update, delete, view and search for customer product mapping details.

Customer Product Mapping

Customer Product Mapping asso

Customer Product Mapping ass branch


Field Name
Mandatory Information
Name  Name of the customers product mapping


Mapping Code  Custom code for the customer product


Description  Description



Create New Customer Product Mapping Scheme

1. Click “Create New” button at the right side of screen, it will create new form for the scheme

Customer Product Mapping create

2. Fill up customer product mapping’s information on top right of screen

3. Click “Save” button at the right side of screen

Customer Product Mapping save

4. Filter the products list by selecting a brand from “Product Brand” drop-down list. Add product into the customer product mapping scheme by searching for the product from the product number drop-down list in the table on “Product Mapping Lines” tab

5. Enter the product’s “Customer Product#” and “Customer Product Uom” info and click ” Add ” button to add the product into the customer product mapping scheme

Customer Product Mapping add

6. Repeat steps 4-5 to add more products into the customer product mapping scheme

7. On “Associate Partners” tab, assign business partners for the customer product mapping scheme by selecting available partner(s) from the bottom left table and click ” assign_button ” button in middle of screen. Hold Ctrl or Shift key then mouse left-click to select multiple partners

Customer Product Mapping ass pa

8. On “Assigned Branches” tab, a default branch (e.g. HQ) has been automatically assigned for the new customer product mapping. To assign another branch for the customer product mapping, select available branch from the bottom left table and click ” assign_button ” button in middle of screen

Customer Product Mapping ass br

9. Click “Save” button at the right side of screen when done


Update Customer Product Mapping Details

1. Click on customer product mapping scheme to be updated, it will show the selected customer product mapping details on  top right of screen

2. Click “Save” button at the right side of the screen when done with the updates


Delete Customer Product Mapping Scheme

1. Click on customer product mapping scheme to be deleted, it will show the selected customer product mapping details on  top right of screen

2. Click on “Delete” button at the right side of screen

3. Click on “Yes” button on the pop-up window to confirm customer product mapping scheme deletion

Customer Product Mapping delete


View and Search for Customer Product Mapping Details

1. On top left of screen enter search parameter to filter the result, i.e. type in the customer product mapping code in the search textfield box

Customer Product Mapping search

2. Result can be sorted alphabetically by clicking the fields’ columns

Customer Product Mapping sort

3. Double click on customer product mapping scheme to view full details of the scheme, it will bring up the details on the screen

4. On bottom left of screen enter search parameter to filter the “Product Mapping Lines” result, i.e. type in the customer product number in the search textfield box