Sell In Transactions

trade-order Sales Order

Create and manage sales order

proforma Proforma Invoice

Proforma invoice is a preliminary bill of sale sent to buyer in advance of a shipment or delivery of goods; Create and manage proforma invoice

trade-invoice Sales Invoice

A sales invoice is a document that a company uses to communicate to their customers about the sums that are due in exchange for goods that have been sold. Create and manage sales invoice here

credit-note (2) Credit Note

A credit note or credit memorandum (memo) is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer. User can create and manage credit notes using this transaction

POS_icon Point Of Sale

Point Of Sale is to handle direct sales transaction at the company’s warehouse; Create and manage sales transactions here

consignment Consignment Order

Consignment Order is an administrative order to transfer consignment items to / from customer (e.g. Retail store) on consignment terms (e.g. stock still belong to the company until consignment sales is completed). This will then generate Stock Transfer document for logistic staff to process.