Purchase Transactions
Item Requisition
Item Requisition view allows the user to make request for item purchase requisition of inventorized items. After the Item Requisition is reviewed and approved, user can then create Purchase Order from it
Expense Requisition
Expense Requisition view allows the user to create and manage expense purchase requisition for non-inventorized items. Create new expense requisition; update, delete, view and search for expense requisition details
Purchase Order
Purchase Order view allows the user to create and manage purchase orders. Create new purchase order; update, delete, view and search for purchase order details
Delivery Confirmation
Create new delivery confirmation; update, delete, view and search for delivery confirmation details
Proforma Invoice
Proforma invoice is a preliminary bill of purchase sent to buyer in advance of a shipment or delivery of goods. Create new proforma invoice; update, delete, view and search for proforma invoice details
Purchase Invoice
Create new purchase invoice; update, delete, view and search for purchase invoice details
Debit Note
Debit Note is a commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller as a means of formally requesting a credit note. Create new debit note; update, delete, view and search for debit note details
Warehouse Order
Warehouse Order is an administrative order to transfer items between warehouses. This will then generate Stock Transfer document for logistic staff to process.