
Voucher view allow user to manage retail vouchers with monetary value. See “POS – (Masters) Voucher Types” for the different types of vouchers which are available in GOOMI.

Below actions are available under Voucher:

Samooha icon2 Create new voucher

Samooha icon2 Update, split, delete, view and search for voucher

Note: Voucher redemption is done through POS Entry (cash register)

Voucher - list

Voucher - create new  Voucher - posting

Voucher - Notes


Field Name
Mandatory Information
Issue On Date of issuing of voucher


Serial # Serial number of voucher


Voucher Type Type of voucher


Face Value Value of this voucher


Valid From Valid from which date


Valid Till Valid until which date


Issue To Which (registered) customer the voucher was issued to


Issue By Which staff issued the voucher


Issue At Where the voucher was issued


Redeemed Checkbox ticked if voucher has been redeemed


Description Self-explanatory



Create New Voucher

1. Click on Create New button from Vouchers List tab or from Voucher tab to create new voucher

Voucher - list create new

2. Fill up voucher type’s information on form atVoucher tab

3. Click onSave button at the bottom right of screen when done

4. Click on Notes tab at top of the screen to add notes and / or attachment file

Voucher - new details

5. Click on Confirm Voucher button at the bottom of screen and choose Yes to confirm the new voucher

6. Click on Post To Accounts button at the bottom of screen and choose Yes to post the new voucher to account. Journal entries of the voucher will be automatically created under Postings tab

Voucher - post

Voucher - posting details


Update Voucher Details

1. Double click on voucher to be updated from the records table on Vouchers List tab, it will bring up the details for the selected voucher type on the form at Voucher tab

2. If the voucher status is Posted, click on small arrow next to Generate Report button at the bottom of screen and chooseUndo Accounts Posting to change the voucher status to Drafted. User can also undo posting from voucher list view by using mouse right-click on the voucher(s) to open options available to the selected voucher(s).

Voucher - details undo posting

Voucher - list undo posting

3. Make change(s) on the voucher information

4. Click onRevert button at the bottom of screen to roll back the changes

5. Click onSave button at the bottom of screen when done

6. Click onConfirm Voucher button at the bottom of screen and choose Yes to confirm the updated voucher

7. Click on Post To Accounts button at the bottom of screen and chooseYes to post the updated voucher to account


Split Voucher Value to Multiple Vouchers

1. If user need to split voucher to smaller values vouchers, use “POS – (Masters) Voucher Types” to first create new voucher type(s) to accommodate the split vouchers type and face value(s). For example, to split $50 gift voucher to $10 and $40 gift vouchers, $10 and $40 gift vouchers types must exist for selection from “POS – (Transactions) VoucherVoucher Type

2. Double click on voucher to be split from the records table on Vouchers List tab, it will bring up the details for the selected voucher type on the form at Voucher tab

3. If the voucher status isPosted, click on small arrow next toGenerate Report button at the bottom of screen and choose Undo Accounts Posting to change the voucher status to Drafted. User can also undo posting from voucher list view by using mouse right-click on the voucher(s) to open options available to the selected voucher(s).

4. Copy the serial number then modify add -01 at the end of the number for the first split voucher

5. Change the voucher type / face value accordingly for the first split voucher.

6. Click onSave button at the bottom of screen when done

7. Click onConfirm Voucher button at the bottom of screen and choose Yes to confirm the first split voucher

8. Click on Post To Accounts button at the bottom of screen and choose Yes to post the first split voucher to account

9. Create new voucher for the next split voucher, use the original voucher’s serial number and add -02 at the end of the serial number of the second split voucher. Enter the balance value of the split voucher as the face value

Example of Split Voucher:

Voucher - list split vouchers


Delete Voucher

1. Double click on voucher type to be deleted from the records table, it will bring up the details for the selected voucher type on the form at the right side of the screen

2. If the voucher status is Posted, click on small arrow next to Generate Report button at the bottom of screen and chooseUndo Accounts Posting to change the voucher status to Drafted. User can also undo posting from voucher list view by using mouse right-click on the voucher(s) to open options available to the selected voucher(s).

3. Click onDelete button at the bottom of screen

4. Click on Yes button on the pop-up window to confirm record deletion


View and Search for Voucher Details

1. Enter search parameter to filter the result on Vouchers List tab, type in any of the search textfields on the screen. Click Search button to refresh the list.

Voucher - list all - filters

2. Result can be sorted alphabetically by clicking the fields’ columns

3. Redeemed vouchers will have it’s checkbox ticked (Redeemed column)

Voucher - list all - Redeemed

4. Double click on voucher to be updated from the records table on Vouchers List tab, it will bring up the details for the selected voucher type on the form at Voucher tab