
HR Reports view allows the user to view and search for reports related to employees’ expenses and claim related matters. The user can generate and print the list of the expense claims reports based on the selected Criteria. The following are the available reports:-

Report Description
Expense Claim Reports
Employee Expense Summary Report Shows expense claim summary by employee for a given period of time
Expense Category Summary Report Shows expense claim summary by expense category for a given period of time
Employee Expense Monthly Report Shows the detailed employee expense report for the 12 months from the selected month onwards
Expense Category Monthly Report Shows the detailed expense category report for the 12 months from the selected month onwards
Expense Claim Details Report Shows expense claim details for a given period of time


Below are available actions for the user from HR Reports view:

Samooha icon2 View and search for reports for HRMS module

HRMS Report

View and Search Reports for HR Module:

1. Enter search parameter to filter the result, i.e. type in the report name in the search textfield box at the top of the screen

HRMS Report search

2. Select a report from the list of reports available

3. Select the parameters to filter the report, i.e. by specific “Employee”, time period

4. Click “Generate Report” button at the bottom right of the screen to generate the report; it will open a new tab with the selected report

HRMS Report generate

5. On the selected report tab, some records are clickable – in this case the mouse pointer will change to a hand pointer hand_pointer – it is possible to click on these hyperlink records to open another report for that particular record or show transaction details of the record (see pictures below for an example of HRMS reports’ hyperlinks)

HRMS Report2

6. At the bottom of the report tab, the following options are available:
