Packing Process on Warehouse Mobile Scanner
1. Before start packing, please make sure the work order was released
*Users can release work order from the scanner application if they have the access right. Most users will not have access right to this. Releases are done by the Warehouse Manager。
2. Cick on “Packing” button
*Carton must be created before packing items into a carton.
3. Click on “Create Carton”
* Carton must be created before packing items into a carton.
4. Enter Carton Type* and Number
*Note: More Carton Types can be created using Samooha application
5. Click on “Pack Carton”
6. Packer to scan product’s barcode for the (open) carton. Packer may update quantity manually after scanning the barcode. Information of each item to be packed (UOM, barcode and total quantity of the order) is displayed below the text fields.
*The features of the “Pack Ctn” and “Pack/Close”.
7. When a product’s quantity to pack is fulfilled, it will go to the next product automatically and update the system. User may view and pack other products using “<“ or “>” button
8. When all products in the Packing Work Order are scanned and packed in carton(s), system will prompt Packer that all items have been packed into cartons.
9. Click on the “Pack/Close” to proceed the next step
10. Click on “Back”
Options: User can choose to pack the closed cartons in pallet(s) (go to step #11) OR complete the work order (go to step #15)
11. Click on the “Pack Carton” to pack the carton into pallet
12. Choose Pallet type, enter license plate number, click “Create Pallet”, and enter the carton info into the pallet
13. Click on “Close Pallet” to packed the carton boxes.
14. Click on “Back” to complete the work order.
15. Click on the “Complete Work Order”
16. Click on “Yes” if wish to complete the work order and the status will showed as Posted. Click on “Back” to view the summary of the completed (packing) work order.
Undo the Work Order
1. Click on the “Undo Complete”
2. Click on “Yes” if wish to undo the work order.
3. The status will be change to “Confirmed”.