
Payment means are modes of funds to make payment for goods or services. Below actions are available under “Payment Means”:

Samooha icon2  Create new payment mean, update, delete

Note: To setup payment means in Point Of Sale, please see “POS – (Masters) Payment Means

Payment Means


Field Name
Mandatory Information
Payment Code   Code for payment mean


Name   Name for payment mean


Payment Type   Type for payment mean


Account   Account for payment mean


Bank A/C  Receiving bank account of  payment mean


Journal   Journal record of payment mean


Bank Charge A/C   Bank charges (if any) of payment mean


Interest A/C


Description  Description of payment mean



Create New Payment Means

1. Click “Create New” button at the bottom right side of screen

Payment Means - create

2. Fill up payment mean’s information on bottom half of screen

3. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of screen when done

*Note: under POS (Point-Of-Sale module) – Payment Means, there is an additional option to allow adding a payment mean for POS Entry (cash register) payment method


Update Payment Mean Details

1. Click on payment mean to be updated, it will bring up the selected payment mean details on the bottom half of the screen

2. Click “Save” button at the bottom right side of the screen when done with the updates


Delete Payment Mean

1. Click on payment mean to be deleted, it will bring up the selected payment mean on the bottom half of the screen

2. Click on “Delete” button at the bottom right side of screen

3. Click on “Yes” button on the pop-up window to confirm payment mean deletion

Payment Means - delete